
Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

You Don't Think I Know What You've Done

Hi, long time no see. Perhaps you still remember me, a little girl with kindness for weakness. I know i shouldn't think like that but sometimes it's true. Sometimes if you trust too much you'll get hurt so much. Sometimes if you give much kindness, people can see your weakness. And they will make strategy to stab you. I told you because it was happened  to me, and i wont it happen to you. I spend my 3 years for tears. Manything happened to me. I can't told you, it's a terrible story that you never want to hear. I'd lost what i love the most, my dad, my sister, my smile, my hope, my day, they took them away. They stoled my little sun, my little world. My world was broken. You can't imagine how terrible it was. I still remember when i cried while i slept. When i  couldn't sleep well in every night. When my morning was so grey, my afternoon was so blue and my night suchlike a nightmare. But i know Allah will not leave me like that. Allah will not give me a problem that  i can't handle. There's always the way, there is always hope. I rised from the ground, tried to passed the way surely. Until now, i still felt that sharp pebbel on my feet. But it's ok, it's prove that what happened to me is real. Now, no more sadness no more tears. What i want to tell you is no matter what happend to you, no matter how terrible it is. Keep your hope on fire, keep your eyes open.  Don't ever give up. Promise your self not to give up. You are what you had got for life. If you get nothing, then you are nothing. My spirit is, i wanna show everyone who underestimate to me that i can get better even many terrible things punch me. You cannot underestimate to me, you are not the best and i'm not the most good. But i can promise my self, i never give up. I never let you affect aand stab me. I am Stronger and braver than you think. Regrads, the girl who has changed. Dipta.

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

At Last

manything happened in my life, bitter, sweetest, happiness,experiences, memories, i think those are important more than my soul and my money. manything happened in my life, i didn't believe i can passed that big waves. where did the powers came from, when i felt down and stressed i was rising from the ground. who was gave me that powers? here they are, for you all my beloved family and my best friend i thank you for your sacrifaced, your support, and your love. happy ever after for all of you my dearest, together we can, the world such a coffee in a whole of cup.

Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

Aku Bukan Pilihan

Kini kumengungkap tanya
Siapakah dirinya?
Yang mengaku kekasihmu itu
Aku tak bisa memahami

Ketika malam tiba
Ku rela kau berada
Dengan siapa kau melewatinya
Aku tak bisa memahami

Aku lelaki tak mungkin
Menerima bila
Ternyata kau mendua
Membuatku terluka
Tinggalkan saja diriku
Yang tak mungkin menunggu
Jangan pernah memilih
Aku bukan pilihan

Selalu terungkap tanya
Benarkah kini ada
Wanita yang kukenal hatinya
Aku tak bisa memahami

Tak perlu memilihku
Aku lelaki, bukan untuk dipilih

- Iwan Fals

Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

The Important of Mastering Foreign Languanges

       Many people have learned foreign languanges in their country. Others lerned it in the country which they are spoken. Learning foreign languanges is important. Somebody must can speak minimal one languange. More languanges the can mastered it will be very good.
       This is the possible reasons why did they do that. First, mastering foreign languanges is needed in globalization. Globalization means every people in the world can meet, talk, and make agreement easier than before. Mastering foreign languanges can very useful for us to adaptation.
       Second, it will facilitate us to connect with other bussines, people or looking for a job. If we can speak more than one languange, imagine we can make many relations which bring us in succeses.
      Third, mastering foreign languanges makes especially value because we know more information and being uptodate. So we get respect from other and people cannot underestimate to us.
       Well, i prefer to mastering my foreign languanges.  Do you?


Why Should We Choose Famous University

        After we passed national examination we will continue the new level in university. People usually choose universities which are well known. Why should we choose famous universitiy?
       Well, choosing university need to be consider about the quality. First, famous university actually have complete facilities so we can improve our talents.
       Second, famous university usually theaced by quality lecturer so we get a great counseling. You can make discussion about your plans in future.
       Last but not least, Famous universitiy followed by the offered of bussines which are give you a chance to make your dreams come true.


Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

Di Salon Kecantikan

ah... aku baru saja sarapan
sebungkus jerit lengkap dengan sebab-sebabnya.
"mau di poles bagaimana mbak?"
''pokoknya bikin wajah saya
seperti jalan beraspal bebas terjal.
bikin daun yang mandi embun
iri dengan kulit saya.
masalah kertas angka yang biru-biru itu,
kamu tiggal pesan".
tepat sasaran, saya bakal bancakan lagi sama teman-teman.
kubimbing ibu tadi,
eh maaf, mbak yang ingin menambah molek,
masuk ke ruang perawatan.
"kali ini segala yang buram di suram wajah saya,
akan terhapus rekam jejaknya". katanya mantap.
maka kukerjakan seni yang menunggu didepanku.
sepuluh menit pertama ia hanya menyerngit.
sepuluh menit kedua ia merintih letih.
sepuluh menit ketiga air paling murni mengalir di kedua pipinya
yang telah bersih kucungkil risih-risih.
"lanjutkan, lanjutkan," ucapnya.
sepuluh menit keempat ia mulai berteriak sakit kala kucabut
risau yang melebat di wajahnya.
aku heran mbak ini ingin bertahan.
"mbak prosesi telah usai," kataku kemudian.
melengganglah ia kedepan bayangannya.
"mengapa lebih cantik dia?
saya sakit-sakit disitu dan hanya sebegini saja?
mana bisa yang lain tertarik?
yasudah besok saya datang lagi,
buat wajah saya seolah aspal tanpa terjal,
daun yang mandi embun iri dengan wajah saya,
dan cantik ini tak boleh lenyap pukul 12 malam."
"klinting" ia pergi dengan cek sudah di meja.
seperti biasa secarik kertas lain terselip di belakang cek saya
katanya "tolong, saya ingin bebas".


pada ikan
yang membatu.
setiap akan, punya cetakannya sendiri.
seperti batu.
seperti waktu.
